Birthday (CARBS) and back in business (MORE RUNS)!

2010.02.01. 13:00 poraten

(A szerkesztő magyar nyelvű szöveges közleménye: Poraten tovább posztolgatja kalandjait és sötétben való futástól való tartózkodását. Van igény az esetleges fordításra is, vagy menjen tovább angolul?)

I spent last weekend in Brussels celebrating my 25th birthday together with university friends, a very enjoyable weekend indeed! Of course it would be rude not to indulge the culture of the country you are staying in, so I happily volunteered to drink beer, eat waffles (with ice cream, chocolate sauce and whipped cream YUM!), and consume any other forms of food that was far above the bench mark of a "healthy living". To lighten the bad conscious I reminded myself that uni friend renunions and birthdays only happen once a year so my training was put aside for a few days.

Back in Amsterdam I heard that my colleague had been quite active in my absence which he also proved biking home from work in less than 20 min on Tuesday, aoch!! But trying not to get ahead of myself and my training I decided to listen to you guys and just focus on the distance rather than the timings, so at 19:58, after having eaten a banana to gain some energy levels I started jogging to Vondelpark. It was easier to run since the snow has melted, but this also meant that it was a lot darker. No need to feel endangered though, as I'm constantly surrounded by tons of runners, so a psychopath would find it difficult to attack me from bush without anyone noticing (feels good to know!).

So I jogged the first lap and had hardly broken a sweat, so why not continue and run a second lap too. I was so engaged in my thoughts and music (and I have to admit that ABBA did come on at one point.... considering the fact that I'm swedish I find myself excused for listning to them every once in a while... :) ) that I didn't pay too much attention to distance nor timings. Checking the pedometer as I arrived back home it turned out that I had run a whole 11 km in 1 hour and 8 min! I was delighted, especially since I didn't even find the run very exhausting, so it made me realise that there is hope about actually making this half marathon in a decent timing! Doing some calculations I will have to cut the time with ideally 20 min assuming I will keep the same pace for 22 km rather than 11, which will bring me just under 2 hours.

And best of all: no painful shins!! :)

As I woke up this morning (Sunday) Amsterdam is once again covered in white, so I'll take a break from Vondelpark today and hit the swimming pool instead. Upon second thoughts what is worst: 1) a snowy/icy park or 2) a swimming hall filled with energetic youngsters?! I'll let you know later how the rating of the two went!

7 komment

Címkék: dark birthday carbs waffles

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rodriguez 2010.02.01. 14:58:45

The cake looks good but too sweet... And lots of calories :-)
Maybe the guilty feeling helped you to improve in running. Nice way of getting ahead :-)

doncii · 2010.02.01. 16:43:38

That's a decent pace - don't forget it's Winter, when temperatures rise you'll be faster than this. You're on track for the under 2h Half, keep up the good work.

monerd2 2010.02.02. 03:36:12

maybe you could actually go for 1:45 or under that and thus beat him?!?! (there is a lot of time until autumn!)

rrroka · 2010.02.02. 09:06:04

ha egymillió majom egymillió írógépen gépelne egymillió évig, akkor shakespeare össze mellett ezt is begépelnék.

M.Islander 2010.02.03. 11:38:20

Angelday, menjen.
nem érdemes lefordítani (bár akkor rengeteg nyelvtudósi komment is lenne...)

kg_kilo 2010.02.04. 13:16:14

A aye leuk tae Belgians ill-thochtit an nou A knaw whit fir - ehm - I've always looked at Belgians suspiciously, now I know why - waffle with beer sounds like something making its way into the Geneva Conventions...

Happy birthday Poraten! There is a simple test to check if you run slow enough in winter: if you can sing Auld Lang Syne half-loud while running, then you are OK :D

Keep up the good work and keep us informed, it's nice to read your adventures indeed.

Angelday: menjen!


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