Slow and easy winter

2010.02.15. 13:23 poraten

Last Monday I was cycling to work like any other day, and having reached not even half way my chain popped off. A few cursing words later I had parked my bike by the side of the road and headed towards the tram stop. If I had been a tomboy (or just the slightest handy...) I would have easily been able to fix the bike myself, but I have been spoiled to having a father and brother fixing these kind of problems before and with none of them around, nor a boyfriend, and with the excuse that "my bike need some other small fixing as well" I handed it in to a bike store to get it looked after. Although they told me to come back within half an hour, I'm sure the job just took a few minutes and they charged me 12 EUR for it -- robbery!! Next time this happens I will set my girlish behaviour aside and do the dirty work myself, lesson learnt!

So not having a bike for a few days (cause it took some time before I had the time to hand it to the store) and with evenings booked for dinners with friends or just a lot of work, I realised that the only time I would have time to exercise would be in the morning which resulted in me actually running the 8 km to work. It was windy, cold and icy (and dark!) so the timing was horrible -- 53 min (!). In my defense, though, I was also running with a backpack containing a towel, shampoo and spare clothes which slowed things. Don't think I'll be running to work again, it was too much of a hassle with bags, showering there and just having to get up extra early in the morning (I'm a way too keen sleeper in the morning to prioritise running). I will however run home from work at some point!

My parents came to visit me this weekend and I took them to all my favourite restaurants cafe's around town, Flamingo which has the BEST carrot cakes ever, Lungoccino for the traditional Saturday coffee break and Stoop&Stoop where I have discovered their deliciously made spare ribs.

The great thing with eating spare ribs is that you don't have to follow any forms of table manners! On the other hand if I ever have a first (or second, or third) date with someone I will not let him witness my spare ribs eating manners cause I can guarantee he will be less impressed with my non-girlish behaviour here... ;) Saturday night we went to cafe Loetje's, known for its steaks, so once again I let me carnivore side come out, preferring the meat to be rare (or even raw if that is possible) with a sticky toffee pudding afterwards.

It felt like I had to be rolled out of that restaurant after all that food and beer! So having just waved off my parents to the airport, I went for my traditional 11km run and managed to break the 1 hour!! It was 59.5 minutes!!! Tired, but definitely not exhausted. Maybe in a week or two I will challenge myself to run a third lap around Vondelpark to get used to an even longer distance. By that I'm now going to eat a healthy Sunday dinner, watch a movie and go to bed early to prepare myself for the coming work week!

Bye for now!

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Címkék: amsterdam winter parents bike fixing

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Lunchtime 2010.02.15. 17:37:16

being a smartass... i would keep the shampoo, towel and the rest at my workplace ... therefore, no need for the backpack. btw, congrats on breaking the hour

poraten 2010.02.15. 21:17:55

yes, "if" there is a next time for the morning run that is exactly what i intend on doing.... ;)

angelday 2010.02.15. 22:24:23

Yes, cracking the 1 hour mark, kudos. (I haven't been able myself.)

Bryan közlegény 2010.02.15. 23:15:06

Now, where is that Like button... hmmm... Anyway, keep up the good work (with or without your non-girlish behaviour ;))!

monerd2 2010.02.18. 18:28:03

what is the difference between "tired" and "exhausted" then? aren't they the same things? :) ok, I suppose it just means you did not run above your anaerobic threshold by much. well, being "tired" would indicate you did run above that threshold, but not very close to your max HR (because then you'd definitely feel very exhausted).
so that's a good job, keep it up. ;) just make sure you don't get tired in every run, only sometimes.

Bozót · 2010.02.23. 10:50:55

@monerd2: The difference between tired and exhausted is greater than you'd think :P

To the OP : Kudos for breaking one hour! Keep up the good work. Spare ribs....yumm :)


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