Breaking the 6.0 pace at a 15 km run

2010.03.16. 09:43 poraten

It's been a while since the last update - apologies for this - but the lack of writing doesn't mean there has been a lack in exercising. :) In fact, 2.5 weeks ago I attempted three laps around the park, took it very easy. Timings were not the best but was happy to be able to run 13 km!

That was followed by an intense work week as a lot of loose ends had to be tied up before going off on one weeks skiing vacation to Val d'Isere in France. Unfortunately I came back with more of a wind tan rather than a sun tan, so as you might be able to guess it was absolutely freezing and very windy (despite it being March - what happened to all the fuss about global warming?).

I was skiing together with my parents who are both very good skiers, however lately there has been a higher emphasis on the "thin air" as the reason behind their heavy breathing. ;-) Thanks to my running and biking this year I was in good form for this skiing holiday and only had some back muscle aches on the second day. Unfortunately all calories burnt from 7 hours of skiing a day where quickly compensated by the endless amount of food and wine during that week. Never have I had that much cheese in one week - raclette, fondue and many different kinds of cheese plates, but as they say: "When in Rome, do as the Romans do".

So coming back home after 6 days of skiing on high altitude I figured I would be in top condition with my training. High hopes and expectations where ruthlessly crushed by a stich that arrived after only a few hundred meters which resulted in a half run half walk around the park, PATHETIC! I was so frustrated that afterwards I went to my favourite cafe on the corner and indulged a huge piece carrot cake instead! That day I also signed up for the Stockholm Half marathon in September. Figured it is good to have a test go before the actual race against my colleague in the Amsterdam half marathon in October. It will also be good to get some practice in running with other people around you.

The snow in amsterdam has disappeared and although it is still cold, spring feels like just around the corner with the bird's songs, sunshine and the light. No need to wake up in the dark every morning now and if I leave at six-ish from work I can still bike home without lights! My next running went smooth, and when I got home and checked the pedometer I had managed to run 15 km in 84 min!! That means an average of 5.6 min per km. Guess the high altitude training did some wonders after all. :)

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Címkék: raclette skiing high altitude running update

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BGy · 2010.03.16. 13:11:12

The high altitude is as good as exchanging your blood with oxygenated, fresh blood. Ask some competitors of the Tour de France. :)))

kg_kilo 2010.03.16. 13:59:22

Don't ask any competitors from the TdF but the ones that cheer on the side of the road :)
Oh Amsterdam Amsterdam... a walk down on Memory Lane... that choco icecream half-drunk... oh days gone... :)
Carrot cake - now that would make me run ultrafast.
Keep posting, poraten!

angelday 2010.03.16. 15:07:48

kg_kilo: Don't ask any competitors from the TdF but the ones that cheer on the side of the road :) Oh Amste... (2010.03.16. 13:59)

Why is this comment not showing??

FutoBolond 2010.03.16. 19:37:30

After six days of skiing you definitely need (and deserve :-) some rest time to recover. As your muscle fibers does too. The benefits of heavy training comes only thereafter ...

Btw, nice pictures, I am hungry now :P

kg_kilo 2010.03.17. 10:22:41

@angelday: Erm is it me who should answer this? It did not show at first but now it seems to be OK.

kg_kilo 2010.03.17. 10:27:13

@angelday: Never say never again :)


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