Some progress on the good and the bad side

2010.04.26. 12:25 poraten

I have a new record that I'm childishly proud of to share with you dear readers: I ran 19 km in 1 hour 50 min. Must be the pink shoes! ;)

The sun was shining, it was warm and no wind. I hadn't sersiously considered going for a run but than ended up having nothing better to do, so changed into my running gear and headed down the Amstel river. I had every intension of avoiding the park cause half of Amsterdam goes there to lazy abouts when the sun is shining and had no interest to be zick zacking amongst runners, walkers, inliners, cyclists, dogs, kids, pot smokers... you name it.

Running down the Amstel is nice cause you get to look at all the boats and people rowing and the path is in good condition. Intersting fact is that Amstel beer brewery was situated close to the Amstel before. The clean river water was used to produce the beer. I do hope this is not the case today cause after checking the water out I would refrain myself from ordering a Amstel beer next time I'm in a pub!

I had no problem with the distance, so I think the 22 km will be fine for the half marathon. I did however get some pain afterwards in my calfs which is still there one week later, so I decided to rest this whole week and hopefully pick up the running in two-three days again. Will need to work on my stretching and see if this will be of any help!

Prior to my run I did some interval training. Ran only 3.5 km, but more at a much more faster pace than jogging. It was EXHAUSTING and I literally thought I would collapse afterwards. On top of that, I wasn't even happy with the timing: 3.5 km in 15 min. I had been hoping it would be more around 12 min. Need to work on that! First half marathon is closing up ridiculously quickly though — 12th of June, but have decided that I will only see this as a proper practice round and will happy just to finish it and skip the timings. Run is on a bridge with guaranteed wind, lots of uphill, downhill and very hard ground is not in my favour.

So fingers crossed that my calfs will be back to normal soon. Will keep you updated on the progress!

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Címkék: amstel amsterdam river progress sheeps

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kg_kilo 2010.04.26. 12:53:40

Do you take enough Ca and Mg? Lacking them might cause your calf problems.
Nice PB for the 19km, it seems you won't have any problems with the HM. And you are right, running over the bridge should serve as a 'practice' run for the real event.

FutoBolond 2010.04.26. 22:01:49

Your pink shoes may have the same power as the Ruby Slippers of the Wicked Witch of East from the Wizard of Oz :-)

19km/110mins sounds good, you are on the yellow-brick road towards to a successful half marathon ;-)

monerd2 2010.04.27. 22:08:57

3,5km in 12mins would be nearly an elite result. you would have to put a lot of time to achieve that.

3,5km in 15mins is pretty good, we can say you're not really a beginner anymore. :)

looks like your HM will definitely be under 2 hours though :) assuming this 19K wasn't an all-out run. but even if it was, june is quite far and you'll be even faster by then.

monerd2 2010.04.27. 22:09:52

I meant "put in" :)

by the way how much do you train a week? about how many kilometers? just curious.


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